Healthy coral reefs are vital for thriving and successful island communities, and nowhere is this more evident than in the Caribbean.
Historically, coral reefs and their interconnected ecosystems have safeguarded islands, supported growing populations with food, and contributed to tourism and economic growth. However, numerous local and global threats, such as resource extraction, declining water quality, rising temperatures, and reduced pH levels, endanger the Caribbean region, making it one of the most impacted areas worldwide.
An investigative science and policy program examining the impacts of human actions on Caribbean coral reef ecosystems, the importance of coral reefs to island communities, and the full range of reef management strategies.
Beginning with six weeks in Woods Hole, students develop background knowledge to understand history, science, and policy strategies involved in managing coral reefs. In the eight weeks of the remote shore component, students will engage in coral research in seaside scientific field stations and local communities as they develop and refine reef survey techniques and collect initial observations for comparative reef projects. Students will learn from and assist Caribbean Island partners from local, academic, and governmental agencies in developing or continuing protective measures for the marine environment on and around coral reefs, all while completing their comparative reef projects.
Coral Reef Conservation: Caribbean will examine how local, academic, governmental, and international organizations and businesses are working together to conserve and sustainably manage Caribbean coral reef ecosystems.